Our courses have been used by many years, in fact some of the resources have been used by us for over 20 years with great success.

Parents always want to know how successful the materials they choose to use will be and unlike books we actually have some good information we can share.

What results have we achieved?

While we no longer fully collect results because it is impractical with thousands of families using our materials, we have run a ten year test on our full courses and the results were as follows:

11 Plus Grammar School Entry- 73% Success

Independent School Success- 100% Success with 20% being offered a scholarship.

These results were gathered over 10 years using a sample of 200 pupils. Pupils were applying for schools around the country and were not filtered at the front end to include only those likely to do well.

How are these results relevant for you?

What these results show is simply that if the courses we provide are used as we advise then they are incredibly effective. We must however point out that the courses are intensive, there are no short cuts and parental commitment are fundamental elements that deliver this success.

We include the very best materials we can in each course, we structure each course to cover the ground fully and make it as easy as possible for parents to deliver, we also support parents on email however parents will need to commit to the courses and deliver them properly for success to occur.

A word of caution

It’s human nature that parents want to use materials that are successful. The reality is that many organisations play on this desire to overstate their results. While our results are excellent we do want to make it clear that the longer parents have to prepare the more successful they are likely to be. What this means is that our full 40 part preparation programme will be more successful than our short, last minute, 10 part preparation course.

How we advise every parent approaches preparation

We’d advise every parent approaches preparation as an opportunity to help their children achieve as high a standard as they can at this critical phase. For some children this will be enough to get through the exam they are facing, for others it won’t. All children however will get enormous benefit from going through an effective preparation process and we have seen how much it helps children throughout their educational careers.

It’s a sad fact that some schools are just so competitive that results on the day can be a bit like a lottery and heavily dependent on how children feel on the day.

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Learning Street structured courses make home study easier and more successful. There's no need to wonder which books to buy or what to do next. Everything is planned for you.

  • Proven to deliver excellent results
  • Used by families, private tutors and schools
  • Fully planned and structured
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