We have over 400 Maths worksheets for year four children. They have been designed to mirror the year four Maths curriculum in an engaging way.

Our worksheets cover every area of the Maths syllabus for year four.

Below you can see a selection of our worksheets. Some of these are downloadable, others are only available within one of our courses. Full answers are provided within all our courses but are not provided with individual worksheets for free download.

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Free Year four Maths Worksheets to download – No registration necessary

Maths Problem Solving As children develop their core maths skills so they increasingly become challenged to use their skills to solve problems. This is a particular for year four maths and what this worksheet begins to look at.

7x table using brackets Children continue to work on tables throughout year 4 but the focus begins to get more complex , moving away from simple knowledge towards more complicated applications.

Block graphs We use a variety of graph worksheets during year four to help children develop their maths skills in this area.

Other worksheet examples included in year four Maths Courses

Types of triangle – As part of the continued development of their knowledge of shapes and their properties, children will encounter worksheets like this in their year four maths course.

Adding 4 digit numbers – By year four children should have strong core addition skills. Worksheets like this then stretch those skills

Relationships between 1,10,100,1000 – Many children need lots of repetition before the relationships between these numbers become sound. These worksheets help to build that knowledge. This topic is also a feature of lots of other worksheets in the programme .

Plotting points on a graph – Children will encounter lots of graph based worksheets during the year four maths course.

Fractions and decimals – The relationship between fractions and decimals is a topic which runs throughout our KS2 work. This is one particular example of the worksheets children will be doing.

Interrogating data- Graphs – In their graphs work children will learn not only how display data in a graph form but also how to interpret data that’s given within an existing  graph as is the case with this worksheet

Mental Maths – Mental Maths worksheets occur throughout the year four maths course, children are given every opportunity to develop their mental maths skills by working on this area regularly.

Worded Maths Problems – Our series of worded maths problem worksheets continues in year four with the difficulty level getting significantly more taxing as the year progresses.

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